
Cursed Halving Longsword +1
Base damage:
  • (S-M) is 1d8+1
  • (L) is 1d12+1
    Base speed of 1d10+4
    Weight is 3lbs
    Cuts opponent's Hit Points in half, on a natural 18-20

    Bloodlust is a solid, single piece of blood red, unrustable steel. The hilt is bound in red leather and red steel wire, that is not part of the sword itself. The sword's design is very simple, with little ornamentation, save the sword's name engraved in Nathelian along the blade, and hundreds of deitific runes engraved into the crossguard.

    During combat, or when adrenaline spikes through a human or demihuman's system, the sword incites a bloodlust in whomever wields the sword. The wielder recieves a +1 to hit, and a +1 to damage, in addition to the sword's natural +1 abilities (making the sword effectively +2 to hit and damage). The wielder cannot let go of the sword, or cease fighting, until all opponents within sight have been slain -- or the wielder is slain. On a natural, unmodified roll of 19-20, the sword halves an opponent's hit points, no matter the value. Opponents immune to steel, requiring +2 or better weapons to hit, and the like, are unaffected by the halving ability of the sword.

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