Boots of Bounding

Acting similar to boots of levitation, these boots allow the wearer to raise or lower at a slow but steady rate (5ft/sec vertically). The boots also confer upon the wearer an ability to leap great distances, dependant upon how powerful the initial impetus is.

The boots allow the wearer to leap vertically ten feet for every point of Strength, and horizontally twenty-five feet for every point of Strength. The wearer does not have to leap to the utmost of his limit, though getting used to the boots can take some time, depending upon the Dexterity of the wearer. The boots, when used to create a 'bounding run', can accelerate the wearer up to a movement rate of 24", for as long as the wearer could ordinarily run.

The boots of bounding were originally designed by gnomes, to aid the short creatures in moving about some of their larger creations and warrens. The boots were generally given to either warriors or high level leaders, so that they could respond quickly to any threats, or ferry engineers and workers from point to point within the gnomes' areas of influence. (Weight limit as per boots of levitation.)

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