The Ring of Light

It appears to be made of a curiously mottled mixture of silver and copper. On the inside of the band are runes, created out of tiny flecks of onyx. The three runes state in ancient Slavodan (circa, the Shaping Wars), "Light", "Truth", and "Justice". The arrangement of the runes forms a sentance in Slavodan: The light forces the truth, and the truth forces justice.

When worn, the wearer can turn the ring on his finger to activate its powers.

  • Turning the ring a quarter of a rotation in one direction makes the ring put out a faint, luminescent light. The light is sufficient to read by, or see by, and is roughly as bright as a good torch. This option can last for up to six hours, assuming that the ring has been fully charged.
  • Turning the ring another quarter in the same direction causes the ring to emit stored sunlight, affecting undead as sunlight would, and blinding anyone looking directly at it. This option can last for up to five full turns, before dimming down to nothing.
  • Turning the ring a final quarter (from off) in the same direction causes the ring to put out blazing light and heat, setting clothing afire and burning anyone within fifty feet (50') of the ring; damage is roughly 4d6 points of damage per round. The wearer is, of course, immune to the effects of this setting, as is anyone in his shadow. The third and final setting of the ring will last for one full turn; after which time, the ring will dim down to nothing.

    Turning the ring in the other direction, from start, cycles the ring in reverse order; the first quarter activates the maximum brightness (and burning), and the third setting activates the torch-like illumination. The ring cycles: illuminate, sunlight, burning light, and off, and can be turned in either direction from off, to illuminate, or to burning light.

    The ring must be recharged in direct sunlight for six straight hours, before it can be used; additional recharging has no effect.

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