The Holy Protector

Medium shield +5
Weight is 6lbs
Special defenses

The shield appears to be made of some form of white ebonite, with mithrel tracings and designs. The image on the face of the shield remains blank, except in the hands of a paladin; at which point, it will automatically display in mithrel the holy symbol of that paladin's deity.

In the hands of any character other than a paladin, this holy shield will perform only as a shield +2. On the arm of a paladin, however, it creates a magic resistance of 50% in a 5-foot radius, dispels magic in a 5-foot radius at the level of the paladin, and negates 10 points of damage per blow from any chaotic evil opponents.

When used in conjunction with a Holy Avenger (or any similar holy sword), the cumulative effect is 100% magic resistance in a 5-foot radius, and dispellment of magic in a 5-foot radius at twice the level of the paladin.

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