Amulet of Terror

Any creature gazing upon this dark, foreboding piece of metal from a distance of twenty feet (20') or less, will face its worst nightmares within the confines of its own terror and imagination. If the creature rolls a successful save versus magical spells, he will merely be intimidated and frightened, fighting with a -4 penalty To Hit and damage, for 1d4 rounds. After the 1d4 rounds have passed, the creature becomes innured to the effects of the amulet, provided that it passed its save.

Creatures failing their saves might flee in terror, become mindless savants, or even die. To determine the effect, the creature(s) roll on the following chart:

Die Roll Result
01-85 Flee in terror for 1d4 rounds
86-95 Become a mindless savant;
Intelligence and Wisdom both become 2*
96-100 Creature dies instantly from fright
*This effect is permanent until magically cured by a 6th level heal spell or by means of a wish spell.

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