Manacles of Pain

These nasty little items were used as both torture devices and enslavement devices during the Storm Wars, by Nathel's legions. The manacles varied in size, to fit ankles and wrists of creatures ranging in size from gnomes to ogres. They faintly radiate 'enchantment' and 'necromancy' magics if detect magic is cast upon them.

When a command word is spoken, the manacles deliver 1HP of either heat, electricity, or pure magic, to whomever is touching the manacles. If both ankle and wrist manacles are worn, this becomes 2HPs of damage. Magic resistances apply, each time the manacles activate, but there are no saving throws. The amount of damage that can be done to a person in the manacles is dependant, each round, on how often the command word is spoken; usually, the maximum is considered 5HP per round, per manacle.

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