Vyrboth's Wyrm Shield

It is a medium-sized kite shield that appears to be made of solid steel, including the hand and forearm braces on its back. There are no discernable screws or weld spots, and the shield appears to have been made from a single sheet of steel. The face of the shield can be shined to a mirror finish, although its slight convex curvature will distort images. The only writing on the shield is the signature in ancient Karatikan of the mage that created it, on the inside face, near the top, right: Vyrboth.

The shield may faintly radiate Enchantment magic, if detect magic is cast on it. The shield has no command words, and all of its powers are passive -- that is, the shield activates its powers on its own.

The shield suddenly becomes +2 in all ways when the wielder of the shield comes under the scrutiny of a dragon, or any wyrm-related species. The shield becomes lighter by several pounds, as well, when this happens. No wyrm can harm the shield in any way, including the wyrm's breath weapon attack. Within a ten foot (10') radius of the shield, wyrm senses return a 'false negative'. A wyrm simply cannot detect the presence of anything within that twenty foot (20') diameter of the shield; instead of perceiving a void, however, the wyrm's subconscious fills in the shere with background clutter. If the shield (and its bearer) were standing in front of a tree, the wyrm might see a bush, or might see nothing at all. This 'false negative' affects all the senses of a wyrm, from smell to taste, to hearing. Not even a dragon's true-sight ability can detect the shield. Note that these abilities only function 73% of the time. On a percentile dice roll of 27 or under, the wyrm's 'false negative' fails, and the wyrm perceives a void of blackness -- perhaps believing that the sphere is a sphere of anhilation.

The shield's anti-wyrm capabilities are negated when the shield is within 20" of a sphere of anhilation.

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