
Longsword +3 (+5 vs undead)
Base damage:
  • (S-M) is 1d8+3 (2d8+5 vs undead)
  • (L) is 1d12+3 (2d12+5 vs undead)
    Base speed of 1d10+2 (wins initiative automatically vs undead)*
    Weight is 2lbs (1lb vs undead)

    Upon utterance of the command word Glanshir, the sword will emit bright sunlight within a 6" radius; the light lasts for one turn, and can only be done once per day. All undead within that 6" radius suffer 10d4 points of damage per round, so long as they are within that area. Magic resistances do not apply to the damage from this light. Undead may save versus magical spells (with a -6 penalty) for half damage. Activation of the sword takes one round, during which no other actions may be taken. *Initiative for activation of the light is 1d10-4.

    The sword has an Intelligence of 17, and an Ego of 14. Alignment of the sword is Lawful Good, and it communicates only with the wielder, via empathy. Any evil creature touching the hilt of the sword takes 5d8 points of damage per round of touching it, with no save, and no magic resistances applying.

    Upon command, the sword can detect magic with 6”, for one turn, once per day. It can cast heal, as per the 6th level cleric spell, twice per day, upon the wielder; initiative is 1d10+2. Dawnbringer automatically knows and confers knowledge of, the alignments of any creatures within 1" of the sword.

    Legend has it that the sword was created on the plane of Oerth by the mage Nimbar the Watcher, under the auspices of the god Pholtus. The last known bearer of Dawnbringer was the High Priest and Champion of Arpelos, Garulus.

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