Detect Iron

1st-level Priest Spell
Detect Iron: (Divination)
Sphere: Divination
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10 ft x 120 yds
Saving Throw: None

When the detect iron spell is cast, the priest discovers the location of all iron directly in front of him, within 120 yards, in a ten foot swath. The intensity of the magic corresponds with the mass of iron found, from as little as an ounce of iron ore and up. Because worked mithrel, steel, and many other alloys have iron in them, the spell is effective in finding these, though it cannot determine the nature of the alloy. The caster can only become aware of the iron itself, and not the alloys or impurities in it.

By careful study, a priest can become familiar enough with the spell to know that widely spread, diffuse emenations of iron can indicate iron-rich ore veins, or that very dense, pointed emenations can only be smelted iron of purest quality. A priest casting the spell must concentrate for at least one round, therefore, to determine the location of the iron, and another round to determine its exact nature.

The spell requires the use of Galgiran's holy symbol as its material component, with the priest holding it before him.

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