Arpelos's Glory

1st-level Priest Spell
Arpelos's Glory: (Invocation)
Sphere: Sun
Range: Special
Components: V, M
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10ft radius/level
Saving Throw: 1/2

The specialty priests of Arpelos spend a great deal of time in the sun, and can store this sunshine within their holy symbols. The priest can later release the sunlight from their holy symbols, dealing considerable damage to undead, or simply providing real sunlight for various purposes.

When the priest casts the spell, a glow of sunlight shines forth from his holy symbol, radiating outward. The sunlight seems to strike a spherical barrier, charging that barrier with pure sunlight. Undead caught within the sphere take 1d4 points of damage per level of the priest, or half damage if they successfully save vs magical spells. Thus, a 13th-level specialty priest's glory would surround him for 13 rounds, in a sphere 260 feet wide (with 130 foot radius), dealing 13d4 to all undead within the sphere.

Living creatures succeptible to damage from sunlight, such as certain fungi, take the same damage as undead, though they save vs physical spells. The spell releases stored sunlight, so creatures that are blinded or otherwise harmed by sunlight suffer damage as such. Humans, dwarves, elves, and the like are unaffected by the spell (save perhaps for moderate sunburn), unless they stare directly at the priest's holy symbol (in which case they may be blinded).

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