Shadow Manipulation

(Level 1 Illusion/Phantasm Spell)

Range: 15ft radius
Duration: 1 turn / level
Area of Effect: 5ft square / level
Components: SM
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: None

'Shadow manipulation' allows the caster to enlarge the area of a shadow. Only the area of a shadow is increased, and not the incipient light levels. The shadow's dimensions, size, and darkness are varied at the caster's command along rules and guidelines similar to cantrips, up to a maximum of five square feet per level of the caster, and a maximum darkness of near-night conditions. The spell does not function as per the 'darkness' spell, and anyone enveloped in the shadows in such a fashion is not affected as such. The spell is not centered on any one object or group of objects, and the actual area that is affected by the spell can be shifted from place to place within a fifteen foot radius.

For thieves and rangers, 'shadow manipulation' enhances their 'hide in shadows' ability by thirty-three percent.

The spell was originally designed by a Var Gauf, so that he could enchance his ability to hide in the shadows. The Var Gauf, being thieves with access only to the Illusion/Phantasm school, had a limited repertoire to draw upon, especially early in their careers. The spell allowed the creator to enhance, enlarge, and alter shadows so that he could hide in them better. 'Shadow manipulation' allowed him to move from place to place in bright daylight, if he moved slowly and cautiously.

Since the spell was created, it has been incorporated by a number of mages and sorcerors into magical items, such as boots, cloaks, rings, and the like. Because of the complexity and variability of the spell, some slight control is usually given over to the wearer of such an item's subconcious.

The material component of the spell is a small piece of black silk roughly one square inch on a side (general value at 8 SP).

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