Delbin's Instantaneous Movement

(Level 5 Alteration Spell)

Range: 0
Duration: 1 Attack per 4 Levels of Caster Experience
Area of Effect: The Caster
Components: VS
Casting Time: 2
Saving Throw: None

This spell helps protect mages from physical blows and damage, and can be a life-saver during melee combat. Once the spell is cast, it remains in place until either dispelled, or until the caster takes a set number of physical attacks. An attack would have to deal at least 3HP of damage to the affected mage, before activating. Once activated, the spell will teleport the mage away in a random, safe direction, a distance of 2" per caster level. A 12th level mage could teleport away 24 feet indoors, and 24 yards outdoors.

For instance, Rorg, a 12th level Ogre Mage, is struck by a longsword. The longsword damage roll indicates 3HP of damage, and so Delbin's Instantaneous Movement does not activate. If the longsword damage roll had indicated 4HP of damage, or more, then Rorg would have only taken 3HP of damage, and would have teleported 24 yards safely away from the longsword-wielding adventurer. Rorg would still have only taken 3HP of damage, had a siege engine struck him for 3d12*10 points of damage. Weapons or blows from magical weapons still cannot inflict more than 3HP of damage, before activating the spell.

There is no possibility that the caster of the spell would appear in a position or location already occupied by an object or being, and he will not appear in midair. He could, concievably, appear in the window of a nearby tower, or underground in a nearby drinking well.

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