
(3rd Level Alteration Spell; 3rd Level All Spell)

Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Special
Components: VSM
Casting Time: 1/2 turn
Saving Throw: None

Each use of this ‘spell’ inscribes two runes (1/4 turn per rune) on two separate, flat faces of rock. Bringing the two runes together instantly bonds them magically or deitifically, creating in essence one single stone, regardless of the two original types of stone. Thus, a block of granite a foot on a side, and a block of basalt a foot on a side, may be joined into one, single block of stone that appears half granite, and half basalt. The combined stone has a bonus to all saving throws of +4.

A ‘dispell magic’ spell will deglyph but half of the glyph-sealed rock, and the saves drop to a bonus of +2; though the stone is still a single item. The spell cannot activate if only one rune-faced stone is placed face-to-face with an un-runed stone; but, once activated, one rune is sufficient to maintain the effect. Rather than a slow and laborious dispelling process, those that can glyph-seal, can un-glyph-seal. The rate of deglyphing is the same.

Note that, though dozens of joined stones may become in essence one single stone, they are still separate entities, and a ‘meld into stone’ spell is ineffective, to travel from glyph-sealed stone to glyph-sealed stone.

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