Inanimate Translocution

(7th Level Divinination Spell)

Range: Special
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Special
Components: VSM
Casting Time: 1/2 day
Saving Throw: None

By means of this spell, a high level cleric or priest can always be in contact with his underlings. The spell is cast upon different, but identical, inanimate objects, and all of these objects are given very specific names. Once cast, each object may be used as a communications device, opening an audio-visual portal to whichever other object is named. Objects so enchanted may faintly radiate deitific magic, if ‘detect magic’ is cast upon them.

For example, a High Priest of Galgiran could cast the spell on three different anvils. The dwarf could name each anvil by a certain ringing, made by metal hitting the anvil (one anvil could be a dull C-sharp, another a ringing C, and the third a minor D); or he could be unimaginative, and call them Larry, Curly, and Moe. Touching one anvil, and invoking the name of a sister anvil, would cause an audio-visual tunnel to form between both of them (the tunnel is through the Astral Plane, with only the end-points on the Prime). The tunnel will remain open until name of the local anvil is uttered, or after an hour, whichever comes first.

If one of the anvils is destroyed, then a shimmering, flickering static-filled signal will briefly flash on the remaining anvils. The astral-tunnel cannot be reformed to the destroyed anvil. The astral-tunnel cannot be used for transportation, in any event, though it’s end-points can be used as focal points for other spells.

The maximum number of items that may be enchanted is seven (7), plus one per level of the caster, per casting of the spell.

The material components are, of course, the objects to become communicators, roughly those objects’ weights in silver, and the priest’s holy symbol.

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