Hawke’s Organic Spell Component Gatherer (OSCG)

(9th Level Conjuration/Summoning Spell)

Range: 120yds
Duration: Instantaneous
Area Of Effect: One Creature
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 9
Saving Throw: Neg.

Using this spell, the wizard calls upon a specific creature within the spell’s area of effect, and names the part of the creature to be summoned. Example: "I call for that orc’s left eye!" The desired component then appears in the wizard’s hand, surrounded by an invisible temporal stasis field that both keeps the component fresh and alive, as well as preventing the component from aging and deteriorating. Magic resistance applies to this spell, as well as a save versus magical spells, to negate it.

The temporal stasis portion of this spell, in effect, also cancels out any regenerative effects on the component itself, thus a troll eye would not grow a new troll; however, the properties remain unchanged (merely hindered), therefore, the troll eye could be used to make a regenerative magic item such as a ring of regeneration, because the eye still contains the properties necessary for the fabrication of the magical item. The component summoned will be missing in the target creature, causing the creature’s immediate death if the organ is vital, or other side effects, such as blindness if the creature’s only good eye is removed, et cetera (except in the case of regenerating creatures, who will of course, grow new organs).

The organic component summoned may weigh no more than 25lbs per level of the spell caster, and may be no bigger than 5 feet wide, by 5 feet deep, by 5 feet tall. Thus, about the biggest thing a wizard could summon would be a dragon’s heart. The material component for this spell is a platinum wand worth at least 1000gp., which is consumed by the spell.

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