False Dragon

(4th Level Invocation Spell)

Range: 500yds + 50yds/level
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Components: VSM
Casting Time: 6
Saving Throw: None

This spell creates a hollow, charred, wooden dragon with a wingspan of 70 feet, imitating a Category IV black dragon – body length of 30 feet, tail of 30 feet. The dragon appears at the maximum distance of the spell’s power, in a direction specified by the caster. The dragon glides more or less according to the wind, but has a 35% chance of striking a target, also specified by the caster. If the dragon strikes a target, it deals 4d4 points of damage (physical or structural).

‘False Dragon’ is sometimes called ‘the invoker’s illusion’. Since invokers are denied access to the illusion/phantasm spells, they require more…imaginative answers.

The material component of the spell is a miniature wooden dragon that has been charred over an open flame.

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