Prat’s Cable

(Level 1 Evocation Spell)

Range: 20ft + 5ft/level
Duration: 2 turns + 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: Special
Components: VSM
Casting Time: 1
Saving Throw: None

The spell can be cast in either of two ways. Both versions create a steel cable, with the far end secured to a point that is indicated by the somatic portion of the spell, provided that the far end of the cable is within the caster’s range at his level. The cable holds 300lbs per level of the caster, up to 900lbs.

  • One version of the spell has the near end of the cable appear free-hanging, one foot away from the caster. Gravity or the wind can then pull the near-end of the cable away from the caster, if that end is not caught quickly. (Some DMs call for a DEX check.)

  • The second version of the spell has the near end of the cable anchor itself to the nearest inorganic target that is not the spellcaster’s clothing. The anchor is designated by the caster’s farthest outstretched hand.

    The material component of this spell is a bit of steel fiber, with dried glue at one or both ends, depending on the version the caster wishes to use.

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