Richtor's Harness

Richtor was the wolf familiar of the elven ranger Stoneflow. Stoneflow and Richtor protected the Vridaran trade route from Brevit to the Toomaran tribes between 652 and 898 Avard. Stoneflow was a night ranger, and dressed all in black and shadow to travel by night, escorting caravans and traders through the Vridaran Forest and the Toomaran plains. The elf was familiar with the customs of both peoples, and made a considerable fortune protecting the vested interests of merchants in both lands.

Stoneflow was also very dependable, available when needed, and fairly charismatic. These qualities ensured that he was well known and well liked by both the Vridarans and the Toomarans. Even more endearing was his just and fair attitude. He placed the safety of the caravans above his own, and he was more than willing to arrest the very caravan he was hired to protect, if he found it to be violating the laws of the lands.

Through it all, one line of wolves served the wood elf. Their black pelts and small size made them readily identifiable, much like a trademark. The line originated with Richtor, a most unusual animal. Early in Stoneflow's career as a protector of the trade route, several Toomaran outlaws attacked one of the caravans he was protecting, just outside the Vridaran Forest on its way through the plains.

The caravan, just three wagons with two men each, was unable to defend itself against the eleven Toomarans. Toomaran arrows pelted the wagons, even after four of the wagoneers were killed. The last two wagoneers and Stoneflow held off the outlaws until night. Night being his element, the ranger managed to infiltrate the outlaw encampment. Before he could make his move, the Toomaran outlaws were joined by Vridaran counterparts -- both outlaw bands led by one man.

The outlaw leader was an adversary of the very merchant that had hired Stoneflow to protect his caravan. Outmanned, the elf thought to use his expertise to lead the remaining two wagoneers safely home, and return with help. The laughter from the outlaw bands made the night ranger return to their camp. What he saw changed his mind about a wise retreat. The outlaws were kicking around several black wolf pups that had been nosing around their camp. Before the night ranger could react, one of the Toomarans speared all but one of the pups, laughing and joking about a 'shish-ka-bob'.

Years later the tales were still told by the wagoneers of how Stoneflow single-handedly wiped out two bands of outlaws, and returned to them with a black wolf pup.

Stoneflow named the pup Richtor, after one of the fallen wagoneers. Richtor grew quickly, but never grew very large. The adult wolf proved to be very intelligent, and also had a penchant for sweets. The people that knew Stoneflow and Richtor were more than willing to give the wolf a few sweets. It was after Richtor began stealing a lot of sweets that Stoneflow admitted to a problem.

The playful and cunning wolf proved unable to grasp the concepts Stoneflow tried to get across -- or unwilling to grasp them. The exasperated elf finally had to put a leash on the wolf when the two of them were near towns or cities. Intelligent, Richtor escaped from his leashes time and again. Finally, Stoneflow resorted to a hand-made leather harness -- and it seemed to work. The brown leather became black with time, as the wolf rolled in mud, dirt, sand, snow, silt, dung, and the gods alone knew what else.

Eventually, Richtor found a mate, and the two had many litters of pups. Stoneflow was more than happy to find the more curious among them homes with the Toomarans, though the Vridarans seemed a bit too reluctant to take on wolves as pets or friends. Stoneflow took on his missions with a whole pack of black wolves, for the dark pelt bred true.

The elf found to his amusement and horror that the need for sweets bred true. Richtor would tolerate none of his offspring stealing sweets, and so kept the rest of the pack in line. Of course, Richtor himself still had to be kept attached to his harness -- else he would steal the sweets.

In time, parts of the harness wore out, and Stoneflow replaced them without conscious thought. As time wore on, Richtor aged as all save the elves do; finally, the leadership of the pack passed from Richtor to his son. Unfortunately, Devlick had the same traits as his father -- cunning, intelligent, and a sweet-thief. A new harness had to be made.

The tradition and the traits passed on through the generations, and eventually, the harness was passed on as well. For two and a half centuries, the harness was passed on from Richtor to Richtor, giving people the illusion that the pack leader was immortal. Stoneflow helped foster the rumors, sometimes using a bit of help from Habrem, the elf's chosen goddess. And perhaps, just perhaps, some of the rumors were true.

Stoneflow finally retired from escorting caravans through the territory. He returned to the Vridaran forests he knew as home, disappearing into the forests near Lamental. The time finally came for the line of Richtor to part with Stoneflow, and the black wolves faded into the forests.

Legends are hard to kill. When sweets are missing, "Richtor did it." And when merchants make the journeys between the Toomaran tribes and Vridara, they sometimes leave sweets out at night. For Stoneflow had a fondness for sweets, just as Richtor did. And sometimes, late at night, the eyes of a large pack of wolves can be seen from the darkness. Maybe, if you're lucky, you'll hear the light laughter of a night ranger, running with the black wolves.

Richtor's harness turned up in a leather goods shop in Brevit, where it was sold to a merchant heading west with his caravan. The merchant put it on his dog, and had the surprise of his life. Thereafter, the harness was passed from person to person, sometimes bought, and sometimes stolen. It wound through the Mule Mountains, the Toomar Plains, the Laekenala Jungles, Kur Maeth, the Avris Mountains, the Choranil Desert, and finally it found its way into Rakore.

The abilities of the harness are easily apparent, the moment it's placed on any four-legged animal; a shadow flows over the animal, making it dark as night, even in the light. The harness doubles the movement rate of the animal its placed upon. Just as Richtor could slip into the night like Stoneflow, the harness grants the ability to Hide in Shadows at 95%, and Move Silently at 95%. Additionally, the animal the harness is placed upon gains +2 to its Armor Class from the shadow-shield that surrounds it. When detect magic is cast upon it, Richtor's harness glows with deitific magic of several flavors -- animal, quasi-elemental shadow, and elemental air.

The harness itself is made of black, quadruple-stitched, heavy-duty leather. The name 'Richtor' is sewn onto the breast of the harness with thick thread, but is difficult to see unless one looks very closely. Though it was custom made, the various Richtors actually came in different sizes and shapes, and thus the harness is adjustable. Made only of leather, thread, and buckles, the harness has somehow become nearly indestructable. It saves on the item Saving Throw chart as 'leather +4', and cannot fray, tear, or decay.

GP Value: 6,500 XP Value: 2,500

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