Sadic's Sword

Infierne, the god of weaponsmithing, had created a great deal of weapons for sale prior to the Storm Wars. He and his priests delivered the majority of the weapons to Nathel, before the southern god betrayed Infierne, and delivered him into the hands of Karl Liss and the God Slayer. With Infierne dead, his priests hid the remainder of his weapons, before fading into the vagaries of history.

Sadic Brevit travelled most of Halganath at one time or another, and somewhere in his travels, he came across a ninja-to of extraordinary quality. The ninja-to's markings indicated that it was made by the priests of Infierne, bearing the legendary racoon print near the base of the blade. Later, Sadic travelled with the wild mage Jandor Firelight-- also from the capital city of Vridara. While Jandor and Sadic battled the thief-mage Sandrimos, one of Jandor's wild surges affected the Infiernic sword Sadic held. Sandrimos died, and some part of his essence moved into the sword, affecting it, and being affected by the spells Sadic cast.

Nightshade was used in the Gordanic defensive style for so long, that the blade took on the properties of the style. The sword also is surrounded by a shroud of darkness along its blade, never needing weaponblack or the like to keep it stealthy (+5% bonus to HS). And, on occasion, when the blade bites deeply, it draws from its victim images of pure terror. The weapon is a ninja-to defender +3, and inflicts spook at 3rd level upon an opponent on a natural 17 or higher.

The weapon has an ego of 21, and an Intelligence of 10. The weapon is Chaotic Neutral (insane) in alignment, being a balance between the essence of Sandrimos and Sadic. The weapon communicates only with the owner of the blade; it whispers to the him telempathically in the common tongue. Sadic's Sword exists to defend the wielder, and to place the fear of Gods in its opponents -- explaining it's insane alignment.

GP Value: 11,000 XP Value: 4,000

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