Markada Legend

During the grim Har Dont War of 115 Avard, the hero Markada proved himself a just and powerful priest of Whalin. The insect swarms summoned by the conjurer Har Dont inflicted massive devestation upon the peaceful lands of the coast. With the swarms came plagues, famine, and deformities of skin. Har Dont was virtually unopposed for two long months, as he and his swarms searched for Al Mudim.

Markada entered the war with several other priests acting as chaplains for the knights of Karatika. The war waged on for close to a year, with the Karatikans being forced back again and again by intelligent insects, swarms, and Har Dont's personal insect guard. Through it all, Markada perservered, healing the wounded, and somehow surviving through it all. The priest's skin was horribly disfigured by sting after sting, and countless bites. He was exposed to poisons and toxins by the dozen. Yet still he continued to press hard, healing others when the priesthood was forced to withdraw from the war -- their losses had been too great.

Nearly two years passed, and as Har Dont's swarms ranged wider and wider afar, more and more lands joined the Karatikans, trying to force the dread conjurer back. Markada's armband became infused with his essence, for as he healed again and again, the armband was there through it all -- bathed in the blood of others, and the stress of war. The priest's skin began to heal, and he became stronger, facing back swarms far too powerful for any one man. Eventually, Markada came to stand as the Karatikan symbol for endurance, and as a battle cry for stamina.

Backed by the armies of five nations, and all their priests and mages, Markada and the Karatikans began to force Har Dont back, bit by bit. Frustrated by his failure to find Al Mudim, Har Dont began making stupid, careless errors. Somehow, in the midst of the final battle, Har Dont and Markada met. As knights and giant insects fought all around them, the priest and the conjurer squared off.

Markada made one strike, using his expertise in unarmed combat. That one strike carried with it all the priest's pain of two years' time. Har Dont fell unconcious with the strike. After the battle was over, Har Dont was brought to justice before a priest of Yatindar. The verdict was death. Markada soon disappeared into a monastary, staying there for the remainder of his days.

Markada's armband makes the wearer immune to all diseases, all poisons, and all toxins. It also raises the wearer's Constitution score by one (to a maximum of twenty). The armband becomes as a tattoo for so long as the wearer is alive; upon his death, it resumes its normal silver and copper form. In its normal form, the armband glows of deitific healing magic if detect magic is cast upon it. As well, the armband never tarnishes, even after centuries of exposure to the elements.

GP Value: 8,000 XP Value: 2,500

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