Snake Blade

Vampyric Longsword +1
Base damage:
  • (S-M) is 1d8+1
  • (L) is 1d12+1
    Base speed of 1d10+4
    Weight is 3lbs

    The pommel, hilt, and crossguards of the sword are made of black steel, sculpted into the shape of two cobras. The cobras' hoods are extended, making up the wide crossguards; the heads of the snakes face towards the point of the blade. The twin black bodies wrap around the hilt, and the red-tipped tails of the snakes face a bright steel pommel. The blade itself, somewhat long for a longsword, is of brightly polished, unblemished steel, save the temper line.

    Whenever the wielder makes a successful hit with the Snake Blade, the blade drains one hit point away from the victim, and transfers it to the wielder. In this case, the +1 to damage is not from the blade, itself, but from the energy drain; against creatures immune to energy drain, the sword deals normal, non-magical damage for steel.

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