The Amulet of Lysis

This powerful amulet was created during the Shaping Wars to protect the wearer from magical harm. The amulet appears to be made of a simply crafted silver, inset with a large, faceted amethyst.

Within a twelve foot radius, the amulet dispells magic (as a 22,464th level mage), and had a field of magical disjunction (Mordencainen's disjunction at 172,800%). Effectively, no magic functions within range of the amulet, and any magical item placed within range of the amulet is disjuncted (no save). The amulet is, of course, immune to its own effects.

The Amulet of Lysis is believed to have been destroyed during the Battle of the Undead. Giran Howel was used to cut through the amulet, though how this was done is unknown, as the sword should have been disjuncted by the amulet.

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