Plate of the Fistforger

Dwarven Mithrel Rakanus Full Plate +5 (bAC -5)

This is one of the first suits of Rakanus plate ever made, and was tamped on the Holy Forge of Galgiran, granting the dwarven mithrel a +5 bonus over normal Rakanus plate to Saving Throws versus physical spells and breath weapons, and to Armor Class. What made this suit unique was its silence.

Nodrom "Dwarfendale" Fistforger, a holy warrior of Galgiran, traveled often with a number of elven companions. The noise inherent in any suit of full plate was a constant source of noise, and therefore danger. Dwarfendale, in exchange for finding the original resting place of the god Galanus' Book of the Dead, found a way to make his suit of holy Rakanus plate silent. In no way can any portion of the suit of mithrel make noise, although the wearer can still speak normally, and hear normally. In addition, striking the suit makes no noise of any kind, effectively giving the wearer the thieving ability 'move silently' at 95%.

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