Siyune's Ring

Siyune's Ring is a ring of tracking with an additional enchantment upon it. If the ring is worn for more than seven days (7da), then it attenuates itself to the wearer. The ring can then be removed, and given to a second party. Upon uttering the command word ‘Reaper’, the ring will track it’s original bearer; range for ‘Reaper’ is infinite, and it can track through one plane of existence, with an infinite range in each plane (the one the second party’s in, and the one the wearer’s in).

If the ring is worn by the tracker for seven days, continuously, then the ring will reattune itself to the tracker, and lose the location of whomever it was tracking before with 'Reaper'. The ring can be worn for short periods of time, further extending the time limite; the ring will only attenuate itself to someone who wears the ring continuously for seven days.

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