The Ekiras System


Ekiras System Overview


Class G2 main mequence mtar (yellow dwarf; sun-like)
Independant star with no home galaxy or cluster


mean distance from Ekiras is 71,273,000 miles
length of year is 295 days
rotational period is 25 hours
oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere
diameter at equator is 8,250 miles; surface gravity 1.2x Earth normal
capable of supporting humanoid life
no moons
no tidal influences; erratic ocean currents; wild weather; moderate winters and harsh summers


mean distance from Ekiras is 129,316,000 miles
length of year is 365 days
rotational period is 15 hours
hydrogen/methane atmosphere
diameter at equator is 75,200 miles; surface gravity 11x Earth normal
four moons named Gaeleth, Tatiana, Brijanis, Tamot
relatively weak magnetic field; erratic atmospheric conditions; faint orange internal luminoscity


mean distance from Maroth is 127,000 miles
sidereal period is 28 days
rotational period is 24 hours
oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere
diameter at equator is 7,920 miles; surface gravity 1.0x Earth normal
capable of supporting human life
three moons named Visier, Minister, and Loord
massive tidal influences; quick ocean currents; variable weather; relative seasonal variation
eclipsed for 2 days each period by Maroth

mean distance from Gaeleth is 8,500 miles
sidereal period is 15 days
rotational period is 6 hours
no atmosphere
diameter at equator is 29 miles; surface gravity 0.003x Earth normal
no moons
cratered surface

mean distance from Gaeleth is 12,420 miles
sidereal period is 17 days
rotational period is 8 hours
no atmosphere
diameter at equator is 32 miles; surface gravity 0.003x Earth normal
no moons
cratered surface

mean distance from Gaeleth is 216,000 miles
sidereal period is 28 days; maintains unusual relative location to Gaeleth
rotational period is 3 days
no atmosphere
diameter at equator is 693 miles; surface gravity 0.16x Earth normal
no moons
cratered surface

mean distance from Maroth is 367,000 miles
sidereal period is 8 days
rotational period is 8 days
no atmosphere
diameter at equator is 950 miles; surface gravity 0.2x Earth normal
no moons
cratered surface; some ice deposits


mean distance from Maroth is 613,000 miles
sidereal period is 28 days
rotational period is 23 hours
oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere
diameter at equator is 5,200 miles; surface gravity 0.9x Earth normal
capable of supporting human life
no moons
moderate tidal influences; sluggish ocean currents; predictable weather; no seasonal variation

mean distance from Maroth is 1,652,000 miles
sidereal period is 40 days
rotational period is 40 days
no atmosphere
diameter at equator is 214 miles; surface gravity 0.02x Earth normal
no moons
cratered surface; vast ice deposits


mean distance from Ekiras is 865,523,000 miles
sidereal period is 10,759 days (29.4 Earth years)
rotational period is 12 hours
tenuous oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere
diameter at equator is 4,620 miles; surface gravity 0.5x Earth normal
almost inhabitable by humanoids (internal heating)
no moons
icy surface

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