Joe "Khavik" Parish

Born: Joe Meredith Parish
Occupation: Fantasy/SciFi Writer, US Army Chemical Soldier
Place of Employment: US Army
Date of Birth: January 12, 1976
Internet Aliases: Khavikanum, Khavik, Buzz
ICQ#: 13237034

Chemical Operations Specialist in the US Army (MOS 54B). Education background includes 102 hours in Biology, Civil Engineering, and Core Requirements at Lamar University in Texas. Work background includes four Summers' work with cholinesterase inhibitors, such as Malathion, in mosquito control and management, under the aegis of Orange County Mosquito Control in Texas. Intentions include consultation work in counter-terrorism, writing, teaching, and Master's attainment in Biology. Wide variety of interest in science fields, ranging from astrophysical theory to zoological studies. Hobbies include Dungeons and Dragons, photography, reading, and history.

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