Viradovax Karthamos

13th-level fighter, 13th-level specialty priest

18/88 Strength
11 Dexterity
16 Constitution
13 Intelligence
15 Wisdom
10 Charisma
12" Movement Rate
8 Base THAC0
97 Hit Points
-2 Armor Class
LN Alignment
Nil Special Attack
Defender Special Defenses
Nil Magic Resistance
M Size

AC -2 with shield, -5 vs missiles, -6 w/Defender, -9 w/Defender vs missiles

Weapon proficiencies: Bastard swords (expertise), armor, sword and shield style (expertise), medium shields, composite longbows (expertise).

Nonweapon proficiencies: Engineering; gaming; hunting; etiquette; heraldry; land-based riding; religeon; spellcraft; reading and writing; bowyer/fletchery; healing; animal training; alertness.

Viradovax Karthamos - Picture details below. Appearance: Vax cuts a striking figure, dressed in red plate-mail armor and red leathers. His large frame is six-feet and four inches tall, and he weighs close to two-hundred pounds. His white hair makes him appear considerably older than his fifty-one years, and his blood-red irises are reminescent of a demon's. His pointed ears hint of elven ancestory, but his permanently-stubbled chin and powerful build state that his human ancestory dominates. Armed with a red-tinted bastard sword and a red-tinted shield, Viradovax appears as a figure covered in blood on most battlefields. Above his left breast is the symbol of the Red Knight with a black background patch. His face is a mask, hiding whatever he might be thinking.

Background: Born to the bladesinger Emerelda, and Captain Edgert of the mercenary company The Brave Blades, he grew up surrounded by warfare, seigecraft, and battle-magic. His world turned upside down during the Time of Troubles, when the Red Knight took her appointed place as a goddess. Viradovax found his true calling as cleric and priest of the goddess, and in the process, his formerly auborn hair was bleached white. His once ice-blue eyes were turned to red, and his nose made slightly crooked, when a footman's mace slammed into his face. As the capillaries in his eyes leaked, turning his eyes to red, and blood streamed out his nose, the man with the mace turned and fled. His father may still be running. Viradovax is currently High Priest of the Red Knight in Erlkazar, and at Five Spears Hold. He also serves as General for the forces of Erlkazar, and for the special sect of the Red Knight known as the Falcons.

Magical items: Defender +4 bastard sword 'Task', composite longbow +1, armor of command, kite shield +1 (+4 vs missile weapons), bracers of archery, ring of fire resistance

Equipment: Prayer book, holy symbol, quiver and arrows, flint and steel, whetstone, knife.

Role-playing notes: Vax is a strategic thinker, always keeping the long-term plan in mind, and always thinking attack is just a messenger away. His no-nonsense attitude is admired by many, but sets him at odds with just as many. His veteran experience has given him a unique perspective; Viradovax knows the power of infantry, the power of cavalry, and the power of magic -- and he uses that knowledge both on the battlefield, and off of it. Brutally practical, Vax uses whatever means are necessary to win with as few casualties as possible.

Spells: (As per a specialty priest of the Red Knight).

Special Mount: His horse, Namdilofant, is equipped with horseshoes of speed.

A more detailed look at the picture is available -- 'Mordred' by Stephanie Law, (c) 1999, All rights Reserved, as well as fiction about Viradovax.

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