Xoriah's Fury

1st-level Priest Spell
Xoriah's Fury: (Evocation)
Sphere: Elemental Fire
Range: Caster
Components: V, M
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.

By means of this prayer, a specialty priest of Xoriah could cause himself to be engulfed in a fiery aura that shed intense heat. The heat not only could ignite combustibles, but also served as a guide for Xoriah's fury, channeled through the blessed -- adding to their formidability in combat.

Those affected by the spell shed a fiery heat that is both visible and formidable. Five rounds of prolonged contact with their skin could ignite paper or tinder. The priest's clothing and equipment are rendered immune to normal fires for the duration of the spell, to protect it from this intense heat.

In addition, the priest would deal an extra 1d6 points of flame damage with each strike of his weapons. The heat of those strikes grew with the faith and fury of the priest invoking the prayer, and grew by 1d6 points of damage for every odd-numbered level of the priest. Thus, a 13th-level priest of Xoriah's prayer could give him an additional 7d6 points of damage from a fiery strike, be it with weapons or bare hands.

A saving throw versus magical fire was applicable, and creatures immune to fire were of course undamaged by the spell. Cold-based creatures took double-damage from this prayer.

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