Prayer Shield

1st-level Priest Spell
Prayer Shield: (Alteration)
Sphere: Protection
Range: Touch
Components: V, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Neg.

By means of this spell, the specialty priest of Rahne is able to add a contingency prayer of protection to himself or someone close to him. In essence, the spell acts on the words, "Should harm befall the recipient of thy gift, this prayer..." Whenever the priest gives up the prayer, whomever is touched at the time of casting receives a blessing from Rahne that remains in effect until the conditions of the spell are met.

The blessing grants the recipient a potential +1 bonus to Armor Class for every odd-numbered level of the priest, up to a maximum of +5 at 9th-level. Up to three prayer shields can be in effect at once, with each prayer in silent waiting. The moment a physical blow of some sort is dealt to the recipient, in which a THAC0 roll is needed, the spell activates, granting the recipient the bonus to Armor Class, for that one strike. The moment the strike is complete, whether it succeeds or not, the prayer fades, no longer protecting the recipient.

The prayer is cumulative with magical spells, armor, and other prayers -- though only one prayer shield may be cast upon an individual at a time. Spells and armor that are not compatible with most other spells are considered compatible with the prayer, thanks to Rahne's divine intervention. If detect magic is cast upon the recipient of prayer shield, then he will glow faintly of alteration magic.

The material component of the spell is the priest's holy symbol, and certain prayers are uttered from the Book of War. The priest must be able to touch the recipient, for him to receive the bonuses of the prayer.

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