Night Ranger (Undead Hunter) Kit

Description: Feared by normal men, they are simply those who find the night more their home than the day. Sometimes, physical or mental scars that bias them against normal interactions with other men drive these Night Rangers to the wilderness of shadows. Other times, introspective or star-gazing men prefer the peace, quiet, and solitude that only the night can give them. Just as the day has differences in temperature and humidity, so, too, does the night; Night Rangers come from all walks of life, and are of all temperments. The only thing that truly sets them apart from others is their deep affinity for the night.

Requirements: Standard.

Primary Terrain: Any.

Role: Whatever their background, they tend to be excellent watch-keepers, operating at hours few mortals keep, guarding their realms from harm that can only come during the dark. In some instances, Night Rangers are undead-hunters, who feel a need to operate at the same time, and keep the same hours, as their prey.

Secondary Skills: Any.

Weapon Proficiencies: About the only requirement for Night Rangers’ weapons is stealth. Swords, axes, shields, and bludgeoning weapons tend to be too noisesome at night, attracting unwanted attention. Undead hunters may feel the need for armorment over stealth, though.

Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus: Ghost Fighting. Required: Direction Sense. Recommended: Navigation, Alertness, Weather Sense, Trouble Sense, Undead Lore.

Armor/Equipment: Armor must be fairly silent, as these rangers place so much more emphasis on stealth; thus, armor has a maximum of 4 points protection (or a base AC of 6). They are also barred from taking shields. Equipment tends to be utilitarian, though weaponblack is the most common item in their possession.

Species Enemy: Night Rangers must choose as a species enemy only those that operate in the darkness, or at night. They may also choose certain undead as a species enemy.

Followers: All followers are night creatures that perform best during the darkness.

Special Benefits:

Night-time bonus: Because the darkness is the Night Ranger’s realm of expertise, opponents suffer a -2 penalty to their AC. This applies only when the Night Ranger and his opponent are in relative darkness.

Stealth Abilities: The Night Ranger receives a bonus of +5% to his base Hide in Shadows score, and +10% to his base Move Silently score.

When a Night Ranger successfully uses his 'move silently' ability to sneak up on an opponent to surprise him, the opponent suffers a -3 penalty to his surprise roll. The Night Ranger must be 90’ or more from party members without similar silent movement abilities.

Extra Senses: All Night Rangers develope nightvision at 6”, as mentioned in the House Rules and Important Notes section. They can also hear and smell a bit better than the average man, entitling them to a +1 bonus to their surprise rolls when in the dark.

Special Hindrances:

Day-light Penalty: Because their eyes are so adapted to the dim light of the night, Night Rangers are at -2 to hit when in full daylight or bright light. This can be reduced to a -1 to hit, if a gauze-like scarf is tied over the eyes of the Night Rangers (or some other method reduces the amount of light that strikes their eyes).

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