
As the Inquisition geared up for the total and systematic destruction of all mages on Gaeleth, significant thought was given to the how of the matter. The mages left in the aftermath of the Storm Wars were the most powerful wizards and sorcerers Gaeleth had ever seen. Against such formidable opponents, a formidable arsenal of spells and weaponry would be needed. Studying the captured spellbooks of the wizards and warlocks they had already fought, members of the Church of Yatindar determined the necessary components for a Mage Slayer weapon -- a direct antithesis to the God Slayer weapon Giran Howel.

Paladins and Seekers were dispatched across the whole of Gaeleth to find the requisite parts to such a weapon. After two years of searching, the Disciple Korenheth of Yatindar had finally assembled all the components. Careful forging and tempering of the special metals and alloys, interwoven with spells of defense for the wielder, and offense against mages, yielded a weapon of considerable power.

Fyurimar was a massive six-foot long sword with a five-foot blade. The wide cross-guards swept out and back in, tapering to a point just before they touched the blade about a foot up from the cross-guards. The pommel was a rough-hewn stone of some sort grasped in a four-pointed star-claw -- the source of the antimagic within the weapon. The overall purplish color of the weapon and its raw pommel stone lent the blade an aura of power and fear.

Fyurimar, Karatikan for 'Mage Slayer', proved its worth against some of the most powerful mages ever seen. Its considerable defensive spells protected the paladins that bore it from magical harm, and its antimagic blade sent many wizards to their deaths. As the Inquisition wore on, the sword was dispatched to paladin after paladin, on mission after mission.

The last mission Fyurimar engaged in occurred eight decades into the Inquisition. Prelate Dion Kulfaith was sent to assault the necromatic fortress of Emenaramen. The necromancer had several death knights at his command, and their legions of undead proved a considerable obstacle to Prelate Kulfaith's forces. Armed with nearly three score of specialty priests and several thousand crusaders, Kulfaith's forces were nearly overwhelmed. A final rally brought a spearhead attack against Emenaramen's fortress, granting enough momentum to the attacking forces that the paladin was able to penetrate the inner sanctum of the necromancer's lair. The crusaders that accompanied Dion Kulfaith recounted that the two met in furious battle, as spells were cast back and forth, and the dreaded death knights defended their master. The sheer power of the battle caused the fortress to begin crumbling in upon itself, and the crusaders were forced to flee.

In the aftermath of the battle, the diviners determined that both Emenaramen and Prelate Kulfaith were dead. They could not discern the location of Fyurimar because of its considerable protections, and excavations of the fortress proved fruitless -- a labrynthine set of tunnels beneath the fortress would take considerable effort to unearth and rebuild. A memorial was set up at the fortress in Kulfaith's name by the crusaders, who then returned home with the taste of victory bitter upon their tongues.

In later years, many paladins would attempt to find the fabled Mage Slayer. Few returned, and those that did had horrid tales that Kulfaith's shade itself protected the lost sword. The Church of Yatindar eventually forgot about the entire episode, and decided the sword was destroyed. The location of the fortress was lost in the records of the Church, and Kulfaith's legacy faded into memory.

Rumors of Fyurimar's existance still circle among the paladin-hoods of all the churches, and it has become a popular quest to find the fabled sword -- a sword that the Church of Yatindar denies ever having constructed. The Church's defeat at Emenaramen's hands -- and the turning of one of their prelates to the undead -- left a dark mark upon the records of the Crusades that was so vehemently forgotten that the records were actively destroyed.

Fyurimar acted as a two-handed sword +3 in the hands of any who wielded it. In the hands of a paladin, it performed as a two-handed sword of mage-slaying +6. As a mage-slayer, Fyurimar had considerable powers. The bearer was protected from scrying and detection within a twenty-foot radius. Additionally, the sword created a sphere of antimagic that disappated all wizard-cast magic within a ten-foot radius. The mere touch of the sword would destroy wizard-made magical items that failed a save vs physical spells, and permanently disjunct any items that made those saves. The blade was awash with a variable field of blue and white antimagic, searing through magical barriers such as a wall of force as though they did not exist. In the hands of a paladin, the sword could slay wizards that failed their saves vs death magic on an unmodified 14 or better.

As happened in one instance, where the blade was taken up against a priest/mage, the sword proved useless against hostile priest-cast spells such as harm and heat metal.

GP Value: 162,000 XP Value: 13,250

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