Soreneth, The Name Dragon

Climate/Terrain: Any
Frequency: Very rare
Organization: Solitary
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Omnivore
Intelligence: Godlike (22)
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: True Neutral

No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: -18
Movement: 36, Fl 72 (D)
Hit Dice: 81
THAC0: -18
No. of Attacks: 3 + special
Damage/Attack: 26-48 / 26-48 / 28-72
Special Attacks: See below
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: See below
Size: G (400' body length, 320' tail length)
Morale: Fearless (20)
XP Value: 10,000,000

Soreneth is, theoretically, a dracolich that was a category XII astral dragon. No one is quite sure of anything regarding the near-mythical dragon. Soreneth is believed to be one of his names, after accounts attributed to that name were discovered on Brijanis. He appears to be a skeletal dragon, with the flesh appearing as near-transparent and faintly luminescent. His scales average three feet in width, but coupled with his great size, his coat appears to be rather fine, like that of a silver dragon's, though it is only seen when light strikes it properly. His glowing white pinpricks for eyes suggest his lich-like state.

Soreneth, 'The Name Dragon', apparently has but one vice, since no treasure or lair has ever been discovered. Soreneth does not like the sounds of certain names, and will attack individuals with those names. It is believed that the Name Dragon is protecting a forbidden language; through the randomness of names and syllables, it is possible for words or names to mean something in this forbidden language -- but it is all speculation. All that is known is that sometimes Soreneth appears, and attacks anyone who speaks a certain word, or writes that word or group of words down. It does not happen very often, and from the words that have escaped Soreneth's destruction, most believe that it is highly unlikely that even baby-talk could accidently recreate these words. (Indeed, one village in particular called its fountain by a certain word for two centuries before Soreneth came and razed it, and forbade the speaking of that word again.)

Combat: Soreneth never attacks out-right. He will speak first with the potential victim (who gets no save from dragon fear), and attempt to convince them to forget the word or words. If they do not consent to either never speaking the word again, or do not consent to having their minds wiped of the word(s), then he will attack using spells and raw damage. Each individual claw attack of Soreneth's deals 2d12+24 points of damage, and he tends to attack with both fore-claws. His bite deals 4d12+24 points of damage. He can, alternately, lash at someone with his tail for 3d10+24 points of damage.

Breath weapon/special abilities: The Name Dragon's breath weapon is a powerful sonic blast that deals 24d20+48 points of damage. The blast can travel through any medium save vacuum, can destroy any solid, and vaporize any liquid, known to man. The blast is a conical attack roughly twenty-feet wide at the mouth, and one-hundred feet wide at the far end, with a range of five-hundred feet. Opponents can save for half-damage at a -8 penalty, but will be deaf, regardless.

Soreneth can cast any two spells simultaneously, at 30th level, and still attack with his claws and teeth. He requires +4 weapons to hit, and, strangely, can only be struck by those who have uttered the forbidden words. He is immune to all metallic weapons, and is immune to all known spells. He has struck down targets requiring at least +6 weapons to hit, minor deities, corporeal beings, and even "unhittable" targets.

Habitat/Society: Other than striking at forbidden words or groups of words, little is known about this dragon. It is possible that there are several 'Soreneths', and not just one, although no more than one at a time has ever been seen.

Ecology: Even though his flesh is near-transparent, no one alive has observed evidence of food in his gut. Perhaps being undead, the Name Dragon feeds off of pure magic.

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