Titanium (Metallic) Dragons

Climate/Terrain: Any temperate
Frequency: Very rare
Organization: Solitary or Paired
Active time: Primarily night
Diet: Omnivore
Intelligence: Average (8-10)
Treasure: (Variable)
Alignment: Chaotic Good

No. Appearing: 1-2
Armor Class: -4 (base)
Movement: 15, Fl 40 (C), Jp 3
Hit Dice: 12 (base)
THAC0: 8 (at 12 HD)
No. of Attacks: 3 + special
Damage/Attack: 3d4/3d4/5d6
Special Attacks: (variable)
Special Defenses: (variable)
Magic Resistances: (variable)
Size: G (28’ base)
Morale: Fanatic (17-18)
XP Value: (variable)

Titatanium dragons are fast, tough, and fairly maneuverable creatures with small, thick bodies and moderate tails. They are very serious, attacking any task with single-minded purpose, unwilling to stop until the task is complete. Because of this single-mindedness, they tend not to collect large treasures -- unless it becomes their task; however, after the treasure is horded, it will quickly be forgotten in tackling the next task, and they will move on, abandoning the hoard.

At birth, titanium dragons have scales that appear to be made out of lead. As they age, their scales develope more and more luster around the edges, and begin to silver a bit. Voracious after hatching, they are tended by parents that feed them anything and everything that does not walk on two legs. They reach maturity more rapidly than other dragons, though they pay for it with their smaller size and lower intelligence. Their scales, upon maturity, are much tougher than most of their kin.

Even though not as sharp as other dragons, titanium dragons are master linguists, speaking anywhere from four to a dozen languages rather fluently, including the dragon, common, elven, and dwarven tongues.

Combat: For the most part, titanium dragons are unafraid of combat, and not particularly fond of spells. If faced with a serious threat, their traditional option is to barrel in, claws and breath blazing, and hope for the best. Titanium dragons fight with sheer power, foregoing finesse in favor of speed and damage. Their full frontal assaults often lead them into trouble with more subtle and slicker opponents, yet their damage is enough to make enemies rather wary. Their two claw attacks deal 3d4 points of damage per swipe, and their large maws (with large canines) deal 5d6 points of damage. Upon a natural roll of 20 for a biting attack, a titanium dragon deals a breath weapon attack at point-blank range for full damage (no save). If the tide begins to turn against them, they will use spells such as haste and fire shield on themselves, and slow on their opponents.

Breath Weapon/Special Abilities: A titanium dragon has a single breath weapon, a cone of burning plasma 40’ long, 5’ wide at the dragon’s mouth, and 25’ wide at its dwindling end. The plasma is both blindingly white, and intensely hot. Those caught in the plasma can save versus physical magic for half damage; undead, and other creatures sensitive to light and flames, receive no save. If the save versus physical spells is unsuccessful, all creatures caught by the breath weapon are considered blind for 1d4 rounds.

At birth, titanium dragons are immune to all heat, including the breath weapons of red (chromatic) dragons. They can also cast minor globe of invulnerability three times per day. They can cloud walk, allowing the dragon to tread on clouds, fog, or mist as though they were solid ground. This ability functions continuously, but can be negated or resumed at will. As they age, they gain the following additional powers: Young: feather fall twice per day. Juvenile: ray of enfeeblement once per day. Adult: wall of fire twice per day. Mature adult: firestorm once per day. Old: major globe of invulnerability once per day. As a category X dragon, a titanium’s breath weapon becomes so hot that it affects red dragons (allowing a save vs breath weapons for half damage). As a category XII dragon, a titanium’s plasma fire is so hot that no save is allowed.

Habitat/Society: Titanium dragons are rather chaotic in their deeds, sometimes selecting a village to defend for life, and at other times pursuing a red dragon to death. They wander about, looking for deeds that might occupy their time, looking for opportunities. They have no real desire for wealth, although they understand its value and powers. Their lairs tend to be among rocks, and in the hights, with at least one parent with the eggs and young at all times.

Able linguists, they come in contact with many races, and can be persuaded to involve themselves in good-aligned tasks for short periods of time.

Ecology: These dragons prefer large herbivores, though they often eat anything that is available.

Because they live in so many climates, they often come into conflict with the chromatic dragons, and even some gem dragons. More intelligent creatures simply lay low until the titanium dragon moves on, which generaly does not take long. Red dragons, on the other hand, will kill juvenile to adult titanium’s as soon as they become aware of them. This also explains the rarity of the breed.

Age Body(ft) Tail(ft) AC Breath
XP Value
1 4-7 3-6 -1 4d6+1 Nil Nil Nil 7k
2 7-15 6-14 -2 8d6+2 Nil Nil Nil 8k
3 15-19 14-18 -3 12d6+3 Nil Nil Nil 9k
4 19-23 18-22 -4 16d6+4 1 / 0 10% (Varies) 14k
5 23-26 22-24 -5 20d6+5 1 1 / 0 25% (Varies) 16k
6 26-29 24-27 -6 24d6+6 2 1 / 0 35% (Varies) 18k
7 29-31 27-30 -7 28d6+7 2 2 / 0 40% (Varies) 23k
8 31-34 30-33 -8 32d6+8 3 2 / 1 45% (Varies) 26k
9 34-39 33-35 -9 36d6+9 3 3 1 / 1 1 50% (Varies) 29k
10 39-45 35-40 -10 40d6+10 4 3 2 / 2 1 55% (Varies) 39k
11 45-51 40-46 -11 44d6+11 4 4 3 / 2 2 60% (Varies) 44k
12 51-60 46-52 -12 46d6+12 4 4 4 2 / 3 2 2 65% (Varies) 49k

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