In the Beginning... Mission 6

"There are bodies everywhere -- dwarven, orcish, undead. Father Bryan, his wits still about him, informs Dwarfendale that the undead struck from the swamps, while the orc tribes struck from the desert. Grithale must see to the clean-up, but Dwarfendale must use the ring of tracking to find a holy ring that was stolen during the fighting. On his way out, Dwarfendale Fistforger runs into reinforcements from the Warkore Clan. One of them, a warrior by the name of Rottgutt Stoneballs, agrees to accompany Dwarfendale, rather than face clean-up duty."

If I remember right, they took part in some of the attack, but really came in on the end of it. The Rakanus Clan may be a bunch of priests, but they're dwarven priests, which means they're tough.

This was also the introduction of the second character in the campaign, played by Dana McCoy. Rottgutt is a typical Dana character -- crazy, insane, and intended strictly for entertainment value. Dana's not much of a role-player; it doesn't hold his interest. But he is or can be very innovative, and very entertaining in his own right. (Check out his character, Delbin, in the Prat Chronicles...)

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