
Because psionics play such a crucial role in the lives of the people of Jazed, they have developed them to an art. They created new sciences, and new devotions, as well as whole new forms of psionics. At birth, all Jazedians are tested by psionic-priests. Those children showing any of the following abilities are highly honored -- save the children testing as Nulls. Nulls are usually outcast or hidden.

When a character is created, he rolls percentile dice for his psionic potential. If he rolls a natural 100%, then the character is a Null. If he rolls 2-33% on Jazed, he can choose to be either a straight, dual-classed, or multi-classed psionicist. If he rolls 1%, when creating his character, then he may choose one of the following as his single-classed psionic ability.

Humans are the only character class available on Jazed; there are no other races. The classes available to humans are as follows: psionicist, priest, cleric, warrior, thief, ranger, paladin, druid, cleric/warrior, cleric/thief, warrior/thief, priest/thief, druid/ranger, psionicist/priest, psionicist/cleric, psionicist/warrior, psionicist/druid, psionicist/thief, psionicist/cleric/warrior, psionicist/thief/warrior, psionicist/thief/priest.

In inter-Jazedian warfare, the most valuable and most rare of psionicists is the camus. A camus has access to no sciences, and no devotions, though he still remains the normal psionicist's repertoire of defensive abilities. A camus' Psionic Strength Points (PSPs) can only be spent in the one devotion unique to camuses alone: jamming. For every two points a camus spends in his jamming ability, his range extends exponentially (see chart below). Within the area of effect for the camus' ability, no other psionics function, not even defensive functions inherent in all psionicists. The camus is the trump card of inter-Jazedian conflict; he turns a battle of mind-magic into a melee of weapons. Camuses, however, are very rare, and so are the most respected and highly prized of all psionicists on Jazed

PSPs Radius of Effect
10 5'
20 25'
40 125'
80 625'
160 3,125'
320 15,625' (2.96 miles)

Often revered as priests or advisors, ghestalts are rarely front-line combat fighters. The reason for this is the nature of their ability; other than the basic psychic defense modes, the ghestalt's sole ability is to transfer his PSPs to another psionicist. Rarely does a ghestalt loan all of his PSPs to another psionicist, for he often saves enough for the defense of his own mind. The rest of his Psionic Strength Points, he can give to someone else. Most often, the conduit is opened by touch, but some ghestalts (1 in 12) have the ability to transfer PSPs by thought, within a limited range. A psionicist relying on a ghestalt will usually draw power as needed for each devotion or science used, as needed, though some will draw as much power as possible from a ghestalt at a time. Once a ghestalt gives his psionic strength to another individual, the PSPs return slowly, at the same rate as for other psionicists.

A null is someone who is unaffected by psionic mental attacks. Nulls have a natural shield, effectively making them immune. Telekinetics and the like still affects a null, but no one can hypnotise one, inflict pain from within their minds, feel their auras, or the like. The area of effect for a null's power is only within his own mind. The strength of the null is that he is undetectable by psionic scans, because to other psionicists, he simply does not exist. The most common occupation for a null is as thief or assassin or spy, because of this 'psionic invisibility'.

Dameth O'mani
On Jazed, they are the highly respected and highly disciplined enforcers and police. For the Dameth O'mani, the psychometabolic devotions and sciences cost half as much, though they still have access at normal psionic cost to all other psi abilities. Powerful warriors, these psionicists are usually raised from birth by others of their order. Their gray robes and clothing, and their cool and calm demeanor, mark them as a highly disciplined order.

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