The Youngbloods is one of the oldest and most stable mercenary outfits in all of Rakore, operating out of the city of Kashin. Tarrisk Youngblood is a massive Alekdanian man with rich chocolate skin, long dark hair, and dark flashing eyes. A gladiatorial combatant in the Principalities of his youth, Tarrisk washed up on the shores of Rakore in 1310 Avard, and proved himself a formidable warrior during the War of the Undead.
Moving to Kashin, he began setting up a mercenary outfit, accepting only experienced combatants capable of taking orders and toeing the line. Tarrisk recruits only the best and the brightest, and had an elite operation until the War of the Four Winds. Most of his outfit was destroyed holding off against the ograns, and the experience left him something of a broken man. He has rebuilt the outfit, but his constant alcoholism, outbreaks of violence, and other issues have left the Youngbloods in a state of disarray and remembered glory and sacrifice. Tarrisk keeps a stranglehold on the company, taking personal responsibility and affront for every mission, whether a success or a failure. He continues to buy out mercenaries from Mercenaries, Limited, competing with them in between bouts of rage or depression. When on his game, Tarrisk is a formidable foe with a very shrewd mind.