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Microsoft XL v3.0 AD&D Player Character Sheets
Note: Cell centering, spacing, and merging are not included in this version of the download.
DnDa.xls, DnDb.xls Conventional, Player's Handbook sheets for all characters. The front page includes places for data most frequently used by PCs, such as weapons abilities, saving throws, class and race abilities, money, and nonweapon proficiencies. The back page contains places for weapon proficiencies, general notes, equipment, and the like.
SnPa.xls, SnPb.xls These pages are similar to the above sheets, but are geared towards the Players Option: Skills & Powers book; instead of slots to be spent on proficiencies, the sheets have blanks for Character Points. Other, minor modifications exist, such as blanks for traits and disadvantages, and the subabilities charts -- otherwise, the sheets are nearly identical to the Player's Handbook version of play.
DnDc.xls, DnDd.xls These pages aid spellcasters, and work with both Skills & Powers and the Player's Handbook formats. The front page includes spell level advancement for all spell-casters, access charts for priest spheres, and wizard schools, and more. The back page is simply a series of blanks, ready to work as a spell or prayer book.
DnDe.xls, DnDf.xls These pages are for followers, and castles, and intended for higher level characters. The front page deals intimately with the character's stronghold, including options for income, expenses, the stronghold's caretaker stats, history, and vault and item contents. The back page deals solely with followers, with room for their stats, abilities, classes, and all necessary information.
gaelcal.xls This color-coded calendar helps players keep track of time, and upcoming holidays. Also useful by the DM, it is more intended for the PC, so that he can also decide on important dates -- such as birthdays, meetings of important peoples, and personal holidays.

Microsoft XL v3.0 AD&D Dungeon Master Sheets
Note: Cell centering, spacing, and merging are not included in this version of the download.
DnDe.xls This page is a DM's quick reference for armies, or large groups of attacking units. Intended for use with the Battle Systems rules.
DnDh.xls Intended for DM's to custom-make environments and encounter sheets, it includes slots for all immediately necessary information about creatures, monsters, and other encounters.

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