Location: Takanal, Rilan, Lok Magius
Date: Autumn, 1333 Avard
Characters: Enialis, Nyx, Eva, Marcus, Morderain
Brevit notes:
* Eva's Kai found Tanny's body – or what was left of it.
* The treant at the temple told Nyx about a strong area of abjuration, and about a ghost wolf centuries' old.
* Nyx and Morderain were able to use the abjuration area to forge items that would hold its magic.
* After sailing downriver to Rilan, Nyx and Eva heard rumors of a white wolf and set out to find it.
* Morderain and Enialis interviewed Vilhelm, and with aggressive drugs, exposed the beast within.
* Enialis and Morderain find out that they are aunt and nephew.
More to follow.
More to follow.
Lok Magius
More to follow.
Date: SAT02APR2016
DM's Notes: We met at our place, and Gabriel was much kinder to our ears. David and Lynn brought Kellan, and he and Sarah played until they both fell asleep on the couch, watching TV. David brought a fishing game for the kids to play for the second time, and still they haven't really gotten a chance to play it. We really should've called this game; David was working and tired, Lynn had about 14 espressos in her to stay awake and had homework, and Sommer and I were tired from Gabriel's teething in the night. We still played, and though I could tell Mike and David especially wanted to kick some butt, this turned into a story-mode setting. Of course, that means that next time, some butt-kicking might need to take place.
Reference: Campaign IX
Previous: IX-10-08
Next: None, yet.
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