A number of constellations and stars are visible from Gaeleth. The constellations known to Gaeleth changed in 1320 Avard, when Maroth rose for the first time in recorded history. The current constellations (post 1320 Avard) are the same as those that existed over ten millennia ago. This change in the constellations and the stars visible from Gaeleth has caused considerable consternation in such fields as astronomy and astrology. The 'new' constellations have varying names, depending on the culture and location; no standardized names have yet been adopted.
There are several stars and star clusters of note, and their most common names are given.
Sail Star, Guide Star, Yatindar's Star: bright blue-white star that is directly overhead when viewed from the equator, and is visible in both hemispheres. This is the single brightest star in the heavens, visible when Maroth does not completely obscure it, and often partially visible through the edges of Maroth. It is often associated with Yatindar, due to its coloration.
Six Sisters, Hex Star, Honeycomb Star: six yellow stars arrayed in a near perfect hexagon, all relatively bright and slightly glowing. The six stars glow within a nebula, and are primarily visible from the equator and the northern hemisphere. They are considered accursed in Nabrolian lands, where they cannot be seen.
Green Star, Plant Star, Barith's Star: bright green-white star visible from the equator and the southern hemisphere. The green coloration of the star has perplexed and inspired many, and it is often associated with the Harvest God, Barith.
Blood Star, Red Star, Nabrol's Star: dull red star seen from the equator and northern hemisphere in a relatively empty portion of sky. The star is not particularly bright, but due to the lack of apparent stars nearby, looks more intensely red.
Twin Stars, White Stars, Double Stars: two bright white stars visible from the equator and the northern hemisphere. The two stars are part of a nearby binary system that orbit one another every 42 years. Astronomers are just beginning to realize that they two stars have been moving, relative to one another. The plane of the two stars' ecliptic is nearly perpendicular to the Ekiras star system and Gaeleth.
Depths, Darkness, Death 'Star': there is another relatively empty patch of sky visible from the equator and the southern hemisphere. The lack of stars there has relatively ominous overtones in most cultures. Stars near the darkness appear as thin lines, due to the presence of gravitational lensing.