“I rather die being remembered as the saver then the killer.”
Character concept by Alex McCune, all rights reserved.
Current Status: Adventuring near Takanal in 1333 Avard.
x A tiefling with ink black skin with hair the color of chrome and solid gold eyes. His blood is silvery, like mercury, and quickly dries to a blackened color.
x I was living on the streets with no friends and no family. All I had were people that would steal what little amount of food and supplies I owned. eventlly a man of the name Dredgen yor came into my life, he took pity on me and taught me how to fight, steal, lie, and to survive on the street. I want to try and save people from what I had to go through. If that means killing hundreds of people to keep people from having the life I did then so be it.
x Rough.
For more information, see campaign_ix
x Rogue (Assassin Build)