Character concept by Luke Parish, all rights reserved.
Bishop of Galgiran
Baron of Lok Giran
King's Defensive Advisor
Date of Birth: Unknown; believed to be sometime around 1230 Avard.
Current Status: Summer, 1331 Avard. A dwarf with the powers of a duke, though not the title, Nodrom 'Dwarfendale' Fistforger wields considerable power within Rakore. Dwarfendale often travels the kingdom with a retinue of warriors, more to pave his way than because he needs the bodyguards, moving all through Rakore in the King's name.
A stout four-foot tall dwarf, Nodrom appears far older than he actually is. His bleached white hair was the result of Galgiran's Touch, and he bears the wild beard and hair proudly. His intensely blue eyes seem very wise, but there is a spark of the wild dwarf in them that sometimes frightens people. Dressed in dwarven-made full plate from head to toe, he wears a rust-red surcoat over it. Slung over one shoulder is the carry-belt for a massive hammer-maul, whose head is nearly as large as Dwarfendale's own. Road wise and world wise, the mark of a traveler is forever stamped upon him.
Slung over his other shoulder is a large pouch-sack that contains his holy book, as well as inks and a wineskin. Those intimately familiar with the highest workings of the churches recognize the Karasenth bracers of Galgiran that Dwarfendale wears on his forearms. His right gauntlet is slightly different than the left, having golden rings bonded into the pieces of the gauntlet. When aroused to fury, the Baron-and-the-Bishop can ignite a blade of blue-white flame from the back of the gauntlet, fulfilling the prophecy of the 'Fistforger'.
Born to the Rakanus Clan of dwarves, Dwarfendale grew up surrounded by the religion and faith of Galgiran. Aware of the widening rift between the Rakanus and Warkore clans, Nodrom underwent additional training as a combatant, should the day ever arise when the Rakanus and Warkore clans went to war. Nodrom proved an adept student at warfare, integrating all of his training into an individualistic approach to combat that was outside the dwarven area of expertise. Nordom even created the name 'Dwarfendale' for himself as a way of taunting the dwarves of the Warkore Clan, making fun of a hero of theirs from Olde times. When the orcs out of the Choranil Desert began to attack the Rakanus Clan, Dwarfendale was sent to offer a treaty to the Warkore Clans, whom were under similar attack, but by undead monsters from within the forests that separated the two clans. Dwarfendale was paired with a Warkore dwarf known as Grithale Stormblade, and the two formed a fair friendship filled with respect. Grithale died during the later parts of what would come to be known as the War of the Undead.
During several additional missions for Father Bryan of the Rakanus dwarves, Dwarfendale managed to invest considerable money in Gideon Enterprises, and meet the archer Malkir. As the undead menace and the orcish invasions grew in power, Nodrom was tapped to head an investigation into the source of the undead rising within the forests. That investigation would lead Nodrom and Malkir over all of Gaeleth, seeking out the ancient Vaults in a race against Demik Coruth, the necromancer armed with the Book of the Dead. Nodrom's power and influence would rise with his experience and wisdom, fighting death knights, ghost ships, undead krakens, and the dreaded necromancer himself. After Coruth's death and the second slaying of Nathel, Nodrom retired to his fortress at Lok Giran to act as bishop and baron of Mount Rilan, and a personal advisor to both Disciple Bryan Stonegrudge and King Feldspar Graniteshoulders of Rakore.
Dwarfendale's able preparations of Mount Rilan, the town of Rilan, and Lok Magius, as well as the successful evacuation of the locals to the Baron-and-the-Bishop's fortress of Lok Giran, made Dwarfendale a very respected dwarf within Rakore. Despite his gruff words and sharp tongue, his performance earned him the equivalent powers of a duke. The king of Rakore appointed Dwarfendale his adviser on defensive matters, and has tasked the dwarf with improving the defenses all over Rakore.
Nodrom is wily guerrilla fighter with more common sense than most dwarves – which is a lot. He is a capable leader of small-group tactics, keeping the big picture in mind, as well as bringing out the best in those who work with him. A hard worker and a hard study, he is extremely stubborn and will gnaw a subject to death before giving up. But he is also an unpredictable dwarf with a glint of madness in his eyes that leads many to fear him, and walk very cautiously when near him.
Dwarfendale speaks the Common tongue of men, as well as his own Dwarven tongue.
Dwarfendale attracted a number of powerful fighters and clerics when he began construction of Lok Giran at Mount Rilan, deep in the heart of Rakore. Many Rakanus and Warkore dwarves felt that Nodrom epitomized the dwarves of old, and so have pledged their lives to his service. Loren Razorbraid is chief of Nodrom's guards. Also serving the baron-and-the-bishop are the Rubynose brothers, Gawain and Garan, both priests of Galgiran.
9th-level Fighter, 9th-level Cleric of Galgiran
STR 17, DEX 12, CON 14, INT 11, WIS 18, CHA 11
AC 15, HP 83
WPs: Maul expertise, light crossbows proficiency, Bridelan style with mauls, two-handed style, UCE (Hummingbird style).
NWPs: read/write: all languages (secondary skill), blacksmithing, religion, spellcraft, mountaineering, healing, ancient history: Granite Clan, undead lore, armor, weaponsmithing.
Special: It is important to note that between his class, and his equipment (and the occasional spell), Dwarfendale is virtually immune to fire, both normal and magical. He suffers but one Hit Point per die of damage done to him from fire of any kind. The death knight Lord Elistan literally turned and fled when Nodrom leapt into the path of his most powerful fireball – and only singed his beard.